I likewise live my life without regret. I've made lots of really bad decisions, I've spent decades of my life doing injury to myself - but I don't regret a moment of it. Regret is useless, it doesn't give you anything. It is worse than useless, it keeps you from moving forward. Would I be a better person if I hadn't made past mistake? Maybe, but I wouldn't be who I am now. Would I be better off financially if I hadn't make past mistakes? Probably - but who knows? The entire trajectory of my life would have been different. It may have led me to accidentally drive off a cliff. It is a platitude, but mistakes are how we learn. We don't regret having touched hot stoves as children, we look at it as a valuable life lesson.

p.s. Thanks for aging me. I also had a crush on Rebecca De Mornay after that movie. Hope you're happy now.

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Like you, I was a timid kid a bit afraid of trying new things until my grandfather’s words of wisdom on his deathbed when I was 9. He said “make sure you try new things. Don’t be scared of failure, it’s how we learn.” It really helped me step out into the world and give things like abseiling, white water rafting, moving country, changing careers, a go. I “risked” everything 5 years ago and moved across the world for love. And I’m living an amazing life now!

I think regret can inform our decisions sometimes but it shouldn’t be something to wallow in. I’d rather to have tried and failed than to never try at all. I’m so glad my grandfather said that to me when he did.

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Well now I want to come there for sure!

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Growing up I was definitely not a risky person. I was one of those people who had crushes on girls but was too paralyzed by the fear of rejection to ever talk to them, and was also comfortable in my little bubble of things and interests and didn't like going outside it. I eventually took some steps to grow outside this though and boost my confidence, starting with karate and translating into my struggle to grow from an extremely shy introvert into an extrovert. I only made it about halfway but I still think that's progress! Regardless, I try not to live with regrets but looking back and knowing what I know now about how great things can turn out when you just throw caution to the wind and go for something you want, I wonder how things might have turned out had I been a bit riskier years ago. But without all those experiences I wouldn't be who I am today anyway, so I'm kind of okay with how it all worked out.

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Omg I honestly don't have regret on anything. Some things were good some were not. But learned off of those to make me a stronger person. Every day we grow we learn we strive forward. We take risk everyday some rewards are bigger then others

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