I actually believe outlining before beginning kills invention, unless you're the genius who has the whole novel in your head. "Not knowing," I love to say, is the key to the journey of both surprise and inevitability that Flannery O'Connor advises in _Mystery and Manners_. xo ~ Mary

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Love this! Thank you for supporting my disorganized approach lol. (Obviously I know that's not the message!)

Also can I say that I love how you have a perfect quote to fit situations??

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That's so kind. xo ~ Mary

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Wonderful - I'm excited to keep reading! 😊

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Thank you! I'm excited to see where we go!

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HEA would be on the top of my list and be a reality for all living beings. To do this, I think love has to be taught to all people as the most important thing in life. And that parents would have to love their children in every possible way every day. Maybe then HEA would be in reach. I am looking for that day. It seems impossible judging from our history, but I think we will evolve past the things that are holding us back and get there.

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I think the HEA is about falling in love with yourself. Unearthing the brilliance of you despite what the world may (or may not!) dump on you. But yes I agree, this is the ultimate goal, isn't it?? :)

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Def on self love no doubt, agree totally...

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by E.S. McDonald

Looking forward to more from this awesome blog in the coming year! And you're not alone, I'm definitely a pantser too. Haha.

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Thank you!

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