As an author, it means the world to hear people say how much they enjoy reading what I write. Monetary support is a tangible demonstration of that appreciation. I receive it with humble thanks!
I’m going hard on gratitude this week like everyone else. My blog is about gratitude. My newsletter has 5 gratitude prompts for each day of the week.
But for you, lovely subscriber, I wanted to do A Bit More. Below is a writing/thinking exercise of prompts. The goal is to clear out the BS and get to what you’re really feeling this Thanksgiving week.
(Spoiler: it may not be about gratitude at all!)
Below that are my thoughts on the topic, in case you wanted me to share. :P
Read on, and thanks as ever for doing so!
Just for You
Make a list of the self-care words that make you cringe or roll your eyes. Just dump them out.